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Renovation of criminal justice building could cost 258 million

Hamburg's criminal justice building, which is over 140 years old, looks prestigious. But it is in need of renovation and too small. Modernizing and expanding the building could be very expensive.

Exterior view with main entrance of the Hamburg criminal justice building on Sievekingplatz.
Exterior view with main entrance of the Hamburg criminal justice building on Sievekingplatz.

Hamburg - Renovation of criminal justice building could cost 258 million

The planned refurbishment of Hamburg's criminal justice building could cost more than 258 million euros. The preliminary planning phase was completed in September, the Senate announced in response to a minor question from CDU Member of Parliament Richard Seelmaecker. An earlier figure of only around 56 million euros was not a cost estimate, but merely an initial assumption without in-depth building analysis and specialist planning, explained a spokeswoman for the justice authority. The representative and listed building on Sievekingplatz was built between 1879 and 1882.

According to the investigations now available, it is clear that renovation or repair alone is not enough. After a long backlog of renovation work, extensive measures would have to be carried out on the building structure, the heating system and the electrics. All the windows would have to be replaced in line with listed building requirements. Fire and climate protection requirements would have to be met.

The sum of 258 million euros includes high safety margins for any price increases in the coming years. "If the risks do not materialize, the cost estimate may therefore turn out to be lower," the spokesperson continued. It is unclear when the renovation will begin. A reliable schedule is not yet available, it said.

More space is also to be created in the building, for example by extending the attic. In total, there will be 1000 square meters more. The number of judges in criminal proceedings has more than doubled in the past ten years from 148 to 202, said the spokesperson on the need for more space. Two years ago, 23 additional posts were created, 12 of which were for criminal judges, solely because of the so-called Encrochat proceedings, which got underway after the decryption of the messenger service of the same name. During large trials, the participants and spectators often have to move closer together because there are only a few spacious rooms available.

Finally, the security technology also had to be modernized considerably. The building is often used for district and regional court trials with higher security requirements. The Hanseatic Higher Regional Court also holds hearings on terrorism charges there. Many defendants are taken directly from the associated remand prison to the courtroom. At the beginning of 2017, a defendant in custody smuggled in a stabbing weapon and attacked and injured a witness.

Small question from the CDU with Senate response

Lesen Sie auch:

  1. CDU Member of Parliament Richard Seelmaecker raised a small question regarding the cost of the refurbishment of Hamburg's criminal justice building, which was reported to be over 258 million euros.
  2. The justice authority's spokeswoman explained that the initial assumption of around 56 million euros was not a cost estimate, but rather an initial assumption without detailed building analysis and specialist planning.
  3. Richard Seelmaecker, a member of the CDU party in Hamburg, queried the high cost of the refurbishment project for the city's criminal justice building, which was revealed to be over 258 million euros.


