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Renewable energy: municipalities and citizens should benefit

Saxony-Anhalt must significantly increase the expansion of wind power plants in the coming years. To ensure that the plants are better accepted by the population, municipalities and citizens should also benefit from the expansion in future.

Armin Willingmann (SPD) speaks.
Armin Willingmann (SPD) speaks.

Energy - Renewable energy: municipalities and citizens should benefit

Local authorities and citizens are to benefit more financially from the expansion of renewable energies. To this end, Energy Minister Armin Willingmann (SPD) presented a draft bill to the cabinet on Tuesday. The draft stipulates that operators of new wind turbines or solar parks must in future give local authorities a binding share of the profits.

The energy minister expects an annual sum of around 30,000 euros per wind turbine. The municipalities are to decide for themselves how they want to use the additional income. According to Willingmann, the law is intended to create broader acceptance for the expansion of renewable energies in the state among local authorities and the population. The expansion will continue to change the landscape in Saxony-Anhalt.

In the coming years, for example, the area for wind turbines in the state will have to almost double. There are currently around 2750 wind turbines in the state and this figure will increase to up to 5000. The financial contribution only applies to newly erected turbines and so-called re-powering measures, in which existing turbines are modernized and expanded.

The money could, for example, be used to upgrade locations or renovate municipal buildings, said Willingmann. However, it is also conceivable that the money could be passed on directly to citizens via energy vouchers.

Opposition parties in the state parliament also welcomed the introduction of the law in principle, but also criticized the Ministry of the Environment for its hesitant approach. Wulf Gallert, economic policy spokesman for the left-wing parliamentary group, described the draft bill as a late submission of a minimal variant. The Greens' energy policy spokesman, Sebastian Striegel, warned that the money should be allowed to be used freely in the municipalities. However, he said it was good that the draft bill was finally coming.

In addition to Saxony-Anhalt, other federal states such as Thuringia, Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia also want to regulate financial participation in renewable energies more bindingly. Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Brandenburg had already passed corresponding laws in 2017 and 2019, but now also want to amend them. In Magdeburg, Energy Minister Willingmann hopes that the law will be introduced to parliament in spring 2024 and can be passed in the middle of next year.

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