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René Aust chosen as leader of AfD group in EU Parliament.

In line with anticipation, the recently elected EU Parliament's AfD MEPs chose René Aust to be their head of delegation. At 37 years old and a member of Thuringian state parliament, Aust will now guide the group in Brussels, as confirmed by a party representative on Monday. During a meeting in...

Aust (r.) with Chrupalla and Weidel
Aust (r.) with Chrupalla and Weidel

René Aust chosen as leader of AfD group in EU Parliament.

In the past, the lawmakers mainly didn't welcome the disputed front-runner Maximilian Krah into their group. The delegation now contains 14 representatives rather than the intended 15. Aust, who will be presented as the leader of the group in Berlin during the afternoon, replaces Christine Anderson, who had held the position and took her seat in the EU Parliament on fourth place. Aust plans not to run for re-election in the Thuringian state parliament in early September.

The AfD emerged as the second strongest political party from the European election with a provisional official result of 15.9%, trailing behind the Union. This marks their best performance in EU Parliament elections to date.

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