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Remote Work Boosts Employee Productivity - Yet Leaves Workers Overwhelmed

Remote work may boost productivity, but it can also lead to higher levels of exhaustion, according to a prolonged study released on Friday by health insurer Barmer and the Swiss University of St. Gallen in Berlin. The research focuses on the impact of hybrid work, or the practice of alternating...

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Remote Work Boosts Employee Productivity - Yet Leaves Workers Overwhelmed

"Post-mid 2022, the number of individuals identifying as productive at work rose from 57% to 60%. Concurrently, the percentage of those able to disregard work during leisure time without much strain decreased from 53% to 47%. Moreover, a significant portion, approximately 24%, of employees admitted to feeling mentally depleted post-work.

Barmer CEO, Christoph Straub, shed light on the matter, stating, 'Hybrid work comes with its pros and cons. While it offers flexibility, it also tends to blur work-life boundaries, potentially leading to stress and exhaustion.'

The study surveyed over 8000 employees across more than 22 industries biannually since July 2020. As a result, remote work survived the COVID-19 crisis, albeit to a lesser degree. During the pandemic, employees could work from home for up to 36% of their weekly hours. Currently, that figure stands at 28%, which equates to roughly 1.8 or 1.4 days a week."

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