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Remark has impact: Lawmaker receives backlash

The taunting of a Green Party representative in the Berlin state legislature has led to numerous apologies, yet the backlash persists.

Plenary session in the Berlin state parliament.
Plenary session in the Berlin state parliament.

Lawmakers' assembly - Remark has impact: Lawmaker receives backlash

In the midst of the Berlin House of Representatives session, a quick interruption of three words and a burst of laughter interrupted the usual parliamentary proceedings. The outcome for Green MP Tuba Bozkurt, though, remains uncertain. While her faction and even the Green party chair have apologized for her actions, even the party's European election candidate criticized her behavior.

The incident occurred during the question period in the House of Representatives on Thursday. State Interior Senator Iris Spranger (SPD) of Berlin was discussing the police officer Rouven Laur, who was critically injured by a knife-wielding attacker at an Islam-critical demonstration the previous week and passed away in the hospital. Spranger started, "The terrible death of Mannheim shows us..." when the Green faction interrupted, saying, "Mannheim is dead?" followed by laughter. Spranger swiftly responded, "I would not laugh about that."

Bozkurt admits her thoughtlessness and disrespect

Bozkurt also expressed regret for her interruption, stating, "It was a thoughtless and disrespectful act, and I deeply apologize for it." She said this during a discussion on X platform on Thursday evening. "I apologize to the family, friends, and colleagues of Rouven L., whom I've hurt with this interruption. I apologize."

However, the conversation doesn't end there. The SPD's parliamentary spokesperson, Martin Matz, commented on Friday, "The disruption and laughter from the Green faction left us speechless yesterday." Spranger appropriately responded, "The police need a society and a politics that firmly support them after such a dreadful police murder."

CDU faction leader calls out 'laughing crowd' within the Greens

The CDU politician criticized the Green faction's actions, stating, "Either A), some Green members of parliament and parts of the Green faction in the House of Representatives genuinely laughed about a heinous police murder, or B), a deputy had a momentary urge to make the best possible joke, and parts of the Green faction lost control." Assuming the latter scenario, the politician implied that the lack of impulse control reveals the Greens' lack of seriousness in politics. "The Greens must urgently review their political identity and provide answers. We have crucial tasks, not a laughing crowd in our parliaments."

Bozkurt's behavior becomes a matter of concern even within the Greens

Less than a week after the knife attack on former police officer Rouven Laur and three days before the European elections, the Greens' own members began weighing in on Bozkurt's actions. "This interruption was wrong. We will address this in the faction," said the Green faction in the House of Representatives in a statement published on X platform. The faction will discuss the issue internally, essentially conducting their regular meeting in secrecy.

Green Party Chairman Omid Nouripour also contacted X to comment on the matter. "Yes, you're dealing with it. Such behavior is inappropriate, and I apologize on behalf of my party to the relatives of Rouven L." European top candidate of the party, Terry Reintke, also distanced herself from Bozkurt in an interview with Sender Welt TV, saying, "What happened there is not acceptable."

Community pays tribute to fallen police officer

A minute of silence was observed in Mannheim in remembrance of the police officer seriously injured there a week earlier and who later died. At a silent march in Berlin honoring the Late police officer, several Green Party members of parliament took part, including local faction leaders Bettina Jarasch and Werner Graf, but Bozkurt did not participate.

Head of the Green Party - Omid NouripourHead of the Green faction in the House of Representatives- UnknownMP Tuba BozkurtNewspaper Report - Tagesspiegel

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