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Remaining voter: Hurry up and vote before the elections conclude.

Heavy floods have engulfed certain areas of the nation for several days. Nonetheless, elections are to take place in these zones on Sunday. However, what occurs if the paperwork for vote-by-mail is no longer accessible?

European flags fly in front of the European Commission headquarters.
European flags fly in front of the European Commission headquarters.

Flooding aftermath and effects. - Remaining voter: Hurry up and vote before the elections conclude.

In Bavaria, recent floods have impacted the European elections, as underwater polling stations and lost election documents have made voting more complicated. However, this doesn't seem to be much of a concern for Baden-Württemberg's state election commissioner, Cornelia Nesch. Although a few polling stations needed to be relocated, she reassures that the flood will not significantly disrupt the elections.

Additionally, if you've misplaced your election notification, you can still cast your vote at the polling station using a personal ID or passport. This holds especially true for those who requested postal votes. Nesch urges citizens to take immediate action and head to their local municipal authorities to request new ballots in case they haven't received them or their ballots were destroyed by the flood. New ballots can be collected up until Saturday at noon in Baden-Württemberg.

Despite the clear dangers posed by the flood, Nesch asserts that mailing the new ballots may not be a viable option due to time constraints. The European election and local elections in Baden-Württemberg require close to 8.6 million voters to elect municipal councils, district councils, local councils, and even influence the makeup of the regional assembly in Stuttgart.

In summary, while the flood has caused significant damage in Baden-Württemberg, the challenges it poses for European elections are manageable, as voters have several options to ensure they can still exercise their right to vote.

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