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Relentless rain and powerful thunderstorms hit on Saturday.

Extensive severe weather is no longer anticipated in Saxony over the weekend. Nonetheless, meteorologists predict constant rain and intense thunderstorms in Leipzig and the Vogtland region.

A sign with the inscription "Hochwasser" ("High water") stands on the terrace bank.
A sign with the inscription "Hochwasser" ("High water") stands on the terrace bank.

Severe weather expected; powerful winds and rain could hit the region. - Relentless rain and powerful thunderstorms hit on Saturday.

Saxony gets a break: The upcoming storm won't be as severe as initially predicted, according to current predictions. A warning for severe thunderstorms is expected to be issued starting Saturday afternoon, particularly affecting Leipzig and the Vogtland region, said Robert Scholz from the German Weather Service (DWD) on Friday. Heavy rainfall is expected to begin late Friday evening. Communities are taking precautions: Mobile flood barriers have been installed in Chemnitz, and sandbags are available in several locations for residents. Several castles and parks in Saxony will remain closed over the weekend.

Localized thunderstorms combined with persistent rainfall on Saturday could result in up to 100 liters of rain per square meter. "This could lead to streets and basements being flooded," explained the meteorologist. However, a major weather situation in Saxony is not anticipated. Where strong thunderstorms occur, there is a risk of lightning strikes, uprooted trees, and hail. Motorists should take precautions against aquaplaning.

The State Office for the Environment, Agriculture and Geology (LfULG) urged the public to take precautions in the event of flooding and flooding. This translates to: staying away from flowing water, not entering cellars, basements, and underpasses during heavy rain, and not crossing flooded areas on foot or by car.

The authorities responsible for disaster control in the Interior Ministry will closely monitor the weather and reassess it daily, said a spokesperson on Friday. They have the capacity to activate a team at the state level at any time. The ministry is ready for a potential activation.

Meteorologist Scholz noted that the soil in the Vogtland area is already very saturated and can absorb little more water. As a result, the rain will flow directly back into the rivers, potentially causing water levels in smaller rivers and streams to rise.

"From the current standpoint, the Vogtland in the upper reaches of the White Elster will be the most affected," reported the Dresden Flood Control Center on Friday. The water level is expected to spike substantially starting Saturday night, reaching warning level 2 in some areas of the Upper White Elster and Mulde river basins. The risk of local landslides and local flooding exists between Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon. However, a crossing of the limits of the highest alarm level 4 in Saxony's river basins is not "apparent" from the current standpoint.

Preventative measures have been taken in Chemnitz, where mobile flood barriers have been put in place. These barriers are positioned in the area surrounding the Wasserschloss Klaffenbach and Annaberger Straße to protect the city center. The waterworks in Chemnitz have also been placed on standby. In some cities, sandbags are available. In Plauen, residents can request sandbags, while in Chemnitz, residents can fill sandbags for free.

Due to the weather warnings, parks at Schloss Rammenau, Weesenstein, and Klosterpark Altzella will remain closed this weekend. Schloss Pillnitz's park in Dresden will only partially be accessible, the castle administration announced in Dresden on Friday. They also advise against visiting the Great Garden, the Zwinger Garden, and the Bruhl Garden in the state capital. The Dresden Park Railway is also closed. Additionally, the Children's Day events planned at the Baroque Garden Großsedlitz have been canceled.

The Consumer Center Saxony advises citizens not to act too hastily when it comes to damages caused by inclement weather. First and foremost, it's important to ensure everyone's safety and not unnecessarily put oneself in danger. The damages should be reported to the insurance company as soon as possible. "Generally, damage from flooding and bad weather can impact vehicle partial insurance, building insurance, and household insurance," said Madlen Mueller, insurance expert at the Consumer Center Saxony.

Sunday is expected to bring a calming of the weather situation, as the low-pressure system shifts towards Poland. There will be rain showers and short thunderstorms, but no more rain is expected, said meteorologist Scholz.

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