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Relatives of abducted Israeli family at memorial day

An artificial poppy stands by a gravestone in the Jewish
An artificial poppy stands by a gravestone in the Jewish

Relatives of abducted Israeli family at memorial day

Two relatives of an abducted Israeli family will speak at a memorial event in Hamburg on Thursday. "Their parents, siblings and two little nieces are in the hands of Hamas terrorists. Against this background, our event begins with their appearance," the Bornplatz Synagogue Foundation announced.

The destruction of the Hamburg synagogue during the November pogroms 85 years ago will be commemorated under the motto "Never again is now". In addition to Mayor Peter Tschentscher (SPD) and the Chairman of the Jewish Community of Hamburg, Philipp Stricharz, the author and honorary citizen Kirsten Boie, the climate protection activist Luisa Neubauer and the journalist Deniz Yücel are also expected to speak.

When it was inaugurated in 1906, the Bornplatz Synagogue in Hamburg's Grindel district was the largest Jewish place of worship in northern Germany. During the November pogroms in 1938, National Socialists set fire to the building. A year later, they forced the Jewish community to demolish the synagogue at their own expense. Following a decision by the Hamburg City Parliament, the building is to be rebuilt and become a landmark of Jewish life in the heart of the city.

The memorial event in Hamburg also touches upon the historical context of extremism and Religion, as witnessed in the Holocaust, particularly within the context of Judaism. Despite the destruction of the Hamburg synagogue during Nazi extremism, the city's commitment to rebuilding it serves as a powerful symbol of resistance against such atrocities.




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