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Rehlinger hopes for a stable Franco-German axis

Contrary to all expectations, the right-wing nationalists are not the big winners of the new elections in France. In Germany's immediate neighborhood, the reaction was one of relief.

Saarland's head of government Anke Rehlinger does not expect an easy government formation in...
Saarland's head of government Anke Rehlinger does not expect an easy government formation in neighboring France. (archive picture)

Parliamentary election in France - Rehlinger hopes for a stable Franco-German axis

Saar-Ministerpresident Anke Rehlinger hopes for the continuation of the special German-French connection in the EU after the parliamentary election in the neighboring country. This interest is to ensure that Germany and France remain a strong and stable axis in Europe, the Social Democrat stated in Deutschlandfunk. She expressed this wish to the future government formation in France.

However, the French electoral system differs significantly from the German one. In the neighboring country, it is not a common practice "to probe after such election results, seek majorities, and then coalition." Nevertheless, it is necessary in France now to find a stable majority for the government.

"We can breathe a sigh of relief"

The right-wing populists were stopped by the French and the French at the election. "We can breathe a sigh of relief," Rehlinger emphasized. However, Marine Le Pen of the right-wing Rassemblement National (RN) also stated that "she still has ambitions and the presidential elections are also coming up again in 2027."

The Left Front Populaire, consisting of the Left, Communists, Socialists, and Greens, is expected to be the strongest force in the newly elected National Assembly according to calculations. The right-wing RN, on the other hand, performed significantly worse than previously assumed and could only finish in third place.

  1. Saarland, being a part of Germany, shares a border with the neighboring country where the parliamentary election recently took place.
  2. During the election, there was a notable choice made by the French voters to prevent a strong showing of right-wing nationalists, like Marine Le Pen of the Rassemblement National (RN).
  3. Anke Rehlinger, the Minister-President of Saarland, is excited about the continuation of the strong German-French connection in the EU, as expressed in an interview with Deutschlandfunk.
  4. The electoral system in France differs from Germany, making it less conventional to form coalitions and seek majorities after the election results.
  5. Despite the setback for the right-wing RN in the parliamentary election, Anke Rehlinger expressed relief, recognizing the importance of maintaining a stable government in France for the sake of Europe and its relationship with Germany.
  6. In the aftermath of the election, the Left Front Populaire, comprising the Left, Communists, Socialists, and Greens, is projected to hold the most significant influence in the newly elected French Parliament.
  7. Marie Le Pen, the leader of the RN, despite facing a disappointing result in the recent election, remains optimistic about her party's prospects in future elections, including the upcoming presidential elections in 2027.

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