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Rehlinger: Federal government has made mistakes

Saarland Minister-President Anke Rehlinger (SPD) has regretted mistakes made by the "traffic light" federal government, but has also appealed for understanding. "We have probably never had so many crises in a row, and now side by side, in the history of the Republic," she told the German Press...

Anke Rehlinger (SPD), Minister President of the Saarland, gestures during an interview.
Anke Rehlinger (SPD), Minister President of the Saarland, gestures during an interview.

Prime Minister - Rehlinger: Federal government has made mistakes

Saarland Minister-President Anke Rehlinger (SPD) has regretted mistakes made by the "traffic light" federal government, but has also appealed for understanding. "We have probably never had so many crises in a row, and now side by side, in the history of the Republic," she told the German Press Agency. "It's probably in the nature of things that things don't always run smoothly."

"Of course mistakes have happened - quite a few, to be honest," said the Minister President, who is also the deputy chairwoman of the SPD. "Under no circumstances should this continue in this way." However, "one should not give the impression that politicians are able to walk on water in such times of crisis".

However, politicians must also work professionally in times of crisis. This includes holding discussions behind closed doors. "And explaining where you stand, what the problem is and what the solution is, that is part of the political toolkit."

Rehlinger emphasized that the federal government led by Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) had made the right decisions in the "key policy decisions". She referred to the rejected CDU demand from the beginning of 2022 for an import ban on Russian gas and support for Ukraine that would not make Germany itself a party to the war. "These are the major forks in the road where this government has been right on track," she said.

It is by no means certain that the next few years will be easier: "And in this respect, it may remain difficult".

The uncertainty felt by the population everywhere must be countered with "good governance and communication not only about the present, but also about the future". Politicians should "not just be in repair mode without having a perspective and saying where we can be in ten years' time".

Read also:

  1. Anke Rehlinger, the Saarland Minister-President and deputy chairwoman of the SPD, recently expressed her regrets over mistakes made by the current German federal government in Saarbrücken.
  2. During her address to the German Press Agency, Rehlinger acknowledged the numerous crises facing the nation and suggested that the complex nature of these circumstances might explain some of the challenges encountered by the Government.
  3. Despite recognizing several missteps, Rehlinger commended the federal government, led by Chancellor Olaf Scholz (also an SPD member), for making right decisions in critical policy matters, such as refusing an import ban on Russian gas and supporting Ukraine without involving Germany in the conflict.
  4. As Saarland is a German state located in the Saarland region, its Minister-President's comments regarding the federal government are considered significant within the broader context of German politics, particularly as the country approaches the turn of the year.


