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Rehlinger concerned about the outcome of the election in France

France faces an unclear political future with the new elections to the National Assembly. Saarland's Prime Minister is worried about a shift to the right.

Anke Rehlinger (SPD), Minister President of Saarland, will speak at the Minister Presidents'...
Anke Rehlinger (SPD), Minister President of Saarland, will speak at the Minister Presidents' Conference. The focus will be on migration policy.

Possible shift to the right - Rehlinger concerned about the outcome of the election in France

In light of the imminent parliamentary elections in neighboring France, Saarland's Minister-President Anke Rehlinger has expressed concern about a possible right-wing slide. "The strengthening of extremist and anti-democratic forces across Europe should worry us greatly," Rehlinger told the Funke Media Group newspapers. "As a Democrat, I deeply wish that democratic forces in France maintain control, and that the right-wing populism in Germany does not continue to gain ground."

The stability of German-French relations is "central" for the economic and social development of Europe, stated the SPD politician. While the relations between Germany and France are very stable, "it must be clear: The growing influence of nationalist and right-wing populist parties in the major European countries threatens peace and prosperity in Europe."

In response to the unexpected announcement of new elections to the National Assembly following the defeat of his liberal forces in the European elections and a landslide victory for the Right-wing Nationalists, French President Emmanuel Macron declared new elections for June 30 and July 7.

  1. Anke Rehlinger urged the population of Saarland to pay close attention to the upcoming parliamentary election in France, expressing her concern about a potential shift to the right.
  2. The Future of Europe, according to Rehlinger, is at stake as extremist and anti-democratic forces appear to be gaining momentum across the continent.
  3. Funke Media Group newspapers reported on Rehlinger's concerns, emphasizing her position as a Democrat and her wish for democratic forces to prevail in France.
  4. Saarland's Minister-President also voiced her desire to see right-wing populism in Germany stop its expansion, acknowledging its potential impact on neighboring countries like France.
  5. In Berlin, political analysts were closely monitoring the developments in France and Germany, considering the importance of Germany-France relations for the overall stability and progress of Europe.
  6. The impending parliamentary election in France and its potential outcome were being closely followed by Parliament in Berlin, as Germany's own parliamentary elections were fast approaching.
  7. Anke Rehlinger had recently called for increased cooperation between Germany and France, emphasizing the significant role their nations played in shaping the output and direction of the European political landscape.

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