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Rehlinger calls for confidence in 2024

At the turn of the year, Minister President Anke Rehlinger encourages the people of Saarland. In 2023, the state once again showed that it can fight for its future.

Minister President Anke Rehlinger (SPD), thanks the SPD Saar for her re-election as
Minister President Anke Rehlinger (SPD), thanks the SPD Saar for her re-election as state chairwoman at the state party conference.

Turn of the year - Rehlinger calls for confidence in 2024

Saarland Minister President Anke Rehlinger calls for a confident start to the new year despite the crisis. "I understand concerns about the future. On the other hand, however, we must never lose courage, never lose confidence," said the SPD politician in her New Year's address, which will be broadcast on Saarländischer Rundfunk (SR) television on New Year's Eve.

Saarland had shown that it could fight for its future: the steelworkers had taken to the streets to demand a "green light for green steel". Shortly before Christmas, "the good news" came for the "biggest investment in the history of the Saarland", said Rehlinger. The EU Commission had approved federal and state subsidies totaling 2.6 billion euros for the climate-friendly restructuring of the steel industry.

"This also applies to the whole country: we will have to change some things so that many things stay the way we love them," she said. And with a view to the relocation of US chip manufacturer Wolfspeed, she added: "I am already looking forward to the moment when the cooling tower of the old power plant in Ensdorf comes down and a modern chip factory with many new jobs is created there."

However, 2023 will also continue to be characterized by crises and wars. "I hope that this terrible Russian war of aggression (on Ukraine) will end soon," said the head of government about the war that began in February 2022. This was followed this year on October 7 by "the barbaric attack by Hamas on Israel".

She had never thought "that Jews in our country would be afraid again. But since the Hamas attack, it has unfortunately become clear that anti-Semitism has never disappeared in our country either," said Rehlinger. As Minister President, she said to all Jews in Saarland: "You belong to us, we stand together." However, anyone who celebrates Hamas and supports terror does not belong to Germany.

"And at the same time, anyone who does not celebrate terror, who is not anti-Semitic, is one of us: whether Muslim, Christian, Jew or atheist! I stand for a society in which it doesn't matter which God you believe in. As long as you respect our constitution," said the head of government.

Read also:

  1. Despite the ongoing crisises and wars, such as the Russian aggression against Ukraine and the Hamas attack on Israel, Saarland Minister President Anke Rehlinger urged confidence for the future.
  2. In her New Year's address, broadcast on Saarländischer Rundfunk (SR) television on New Year's Eve, Rehlinger encouraged a confident start to 2024, amid concerns about the future.
  3. The future of Saarland seemed promising with the EU Commission's approval of 2.6 billion euros in subsidies for the climate-friendly restructuring of the steel industry, ensuring "green light for green steel".
  4. The Saarland government, led by Rehlinger (SPD), expressed optimism about the relocation of US chip manufacturer Wolfspeed in Ensdorf, set to create numerous new jobs and transform the old power plant site.
  5. Rehlinger fiercely condemned any form of anti-Semitism, emphasizing her support for Jews in Saarland and declaring that they are an integral part of the society, which stands for respecting the constitution and embracing all faiths.
  6. Despite political and societal challenges, Rehlinger emphasized the importance of unity, stating "anyone who does not celebrate terror, who is not anti-Semitic, is one of us: whether Muslim, Christian, Jew or atheist!"
  7. In the midst of crises and changing times, the leadership of Saarland, headed by Rehlinger, urged their citizens to maintain confidence, resilience, and unity, ensuring a brighter future despite the difficult time of crisis.




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