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Rehlinger against the end of tax relief for farmers

Saarland Minister-President Anke Rehlinger (SPD) is against the planned end of tax breaks for farmers by the "traffic light" federal government. "I don't think it's feasible to cut subsidies for farmers so abruptly," she told the German Press Agency in Saarbrücken on Tuesday. "And that's why...

Saarland's Minister President Anke Rehlinger looks into the camera on the sidelines of
Saarland's Minister President Anke Rehlinger looks into the camera on the sidelines of an interview.

Agriculture - Rehlinger against the end of tax relief for farmers

Saarland Minister-President Anke Rehlinger (SPD) is against the planned end of tax breaks for farmers by the "traffic light" federal government. "I don't think it's feasible to cut subsidies for farmers so abruptly," she told the German Press Agency in Saarbrücken on Tuesday. "And that's why there has to be another solution in the parliamentary process." Farmers could only work with their tractors and machines. Removing subsidies would have "no steering effect", but would only reduce incomes.

However, in view of their hard work and their contribution to society, many farmers "have an income that does not necessarily need to be cut". And they would also have no opportunity to change their work and do something for the climate with a scythe in their hands, for example. "I also think it's disproportionate to start with a billion euros in total for farmers who have no opportunity to react," said the Minister President. "I don't think that's possible, it can't be done like that."

It is "a dilemma that 17 billion euros have to be saved in such a short space of time", said Rehlinger. "Unfortunately, this cannot happen unnoticed." There will "naturally also be burdens" as a result of the savings: "And you won't be able to say the same thing about all the proposals that we will see in the coming days and weeks: Not there again right now."

Agricultural and forestry vehicles are currently exempt from vehicle tax. Farmers currently only pay around half the tax rate for agricultural diesel.

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