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Rehab clinics send out SOS for next year due to losses

Hospitals, nursing homes and rehabilitation clinics are appealing to the federal government at an ever closer pace. There seems to be a lack of everything, but two things in particular: in addition to funding, there is a lack of people.

A sign with the inscription "Krankenhaus" (hospital) points the way to the clinic.
A sign with the inscription "Krankenhaus" (hospital) points the way to the clinic.

Associations - Rehab clinics send out SOS for next year due to losses

After hospitals and nursing homes, rehabilitation clinics in Baden-Württemberg are also increasingly facing existential difficulties in the face of dark red figures. According to the Baden-Württemberg Hospital Association (BWKG), the clinics not only lack the money, but also the important staff. According to a survey conducted by the association, 61.5 percent of rehab clinics expect to be in the red in the coming year. Around 58.5 percent of management teams expect losses in 2023. Only 7.7 percent expect things to pick up next year.

"This is worrying and could threaten the existence of the company if politicians do not help quickly," said BWKG CEO Heiner Scheffold in response to the survey of member institutions.

Above all, the BWKG is calling for higher, permanent and reliable funding from Berlin. "With daily rates at the level of an average overnight stay in a hotel, the medical, nursing and therapeutic services for rehabilitants cannot be financed in the long term," said Scheffold, who is also District Administrator of the Alb-Donau district. The reasons for the rehabilitation clinics' difficulties are the corona pandemic and inflation-related price increases as well as insufficiently financed personnel costs.

The clinics are also concerned about staff shortages. According to the BWKG indicator, 79.7% of managing directors of rehabilitation clinics state that it is difficult or rather difficult to fill vacant positions in the medical service. 81.3 percent find it difficult to find nursing staff, while 75.0 percent have problems filling vacancies in the medical-technical service.

The rehab clinics also criticize the bureaucracy. For example, access to rehab should be simplified and it should be possible for hospital doctors to prescribe it directly, just like other services. However, decisions on rehab applications are made in a complicated approval process by the funding bodies.

BWKG is an association of 478 providers with 197 hospitals, 133 prevention and rehabilitation facilities and 807 care facilities. According to BWKG, they have over 130,000 beds or places as well as outpatient treatment capacities. The facilities employ more than 250,000 people.

BWKG indicator rehabilitation clinics

Read also:

  1. The Federal Government needs to provide more and stable funding to nursing homes and hospitals in Baden-Württemberg, as indicated by the Baden-Württemberg Hospital Association (BWKG), since the rehabilitation clinics are facing significant financial losses and staff shortages.
  2. Stuttgart, alongside hospitals and nursing homes, also has several rehabilitation clinics that are part of the BWKG, an association with over 130,000 beds or places and more than 250,000 employees.
  3. To alleviate the challenges faced by rehabilitation clinics, the BWKG has proposed higher, permanent, and reliable funding from Berlin, as daily rates for medical, nursing, and therapeutic services are currently inadequate to cover costs.
  4. The rehabilitation clinics in Baden-Württemberg, such as those in Stuttgart, are also asking for simplified access to rehabilitation and for hospital doctors to have the authority to prescribe it directly rather than relying on a lengthy approval process by funding bodies.


