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Regional court rules in vaccine damage lawsuit against Biontech

A 58-year-old man claims that his coronavirus vaccination is the reason for the massive deterioration in vision in one eye and is suing. The decision of the Rottweil Regional Court is eagerly awaited.

Justitia can be seen on a window at the entrance to the Higher Regional Court.
Justitia can be seen on a window at the entrance to the Higher Regional Court.

Health - Regional court rules in vaccine damage lawsuit against Biontech

The Rottweil Regional Court will announce a decision on Wednesday in the case against the coronavirus vaccine manufacturer Biontech. The plaintiff is a 58-year-old man. He accuses Biontech of causing him to become almost completely blind in his right eye as a result of a coronavirus vaccination. The man is demanding 150,000 euros in compensation from the Mainz-based company and a declaration that he must be compensated for all further damages.

According to presiding judge Torsten Hub, there are two options in the case. Either the court dismisses the man's claim with a judgment. However, the regional court can also decide on a so-called order to take evidence on the risk-benefit ratio. In this case, an expert report is commissioned to examine this relationship.

This is not the first trial of its kind in Germany. Nor is it the first decision by a court in this context. The Mainz-based company Biontech has so far refused to reach an amicable settlement.

Most recently, on November 16, the Düsseldorf Regional Court dismissed claims for damages and compensation for pain and suffering against two vaccine manufacturers for alleged damage caused by coronavirus vaccinations as unfounded. Two women and a man from Kaarst, Meerbusch and Düsseldorf had filed a lawsuit against the Mainz-based vaccine manufacturer Biontech. They are claiming a total of almost 500,000 euros in compensation for pain and suffering and over 30,000 euros in material damages due to alleged permanent damage caused by the coronavirus vaccination with the active ingredient Comirnaty.

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