Crises or Urgent Situations - Regensburg allows the Danube to pass through its protective barriers.
Whenever the water rises to a certain point on the Werftstraße side, the pumps will be activated once more, emphasized Köstlinger. This means that flooding isn't really an issue for that area. The protective elements won't be opened to regulate the water, but the seeping water on the Werftstraße won't be drained from certain spots.
Due to the precarious situation with high water levels, two ships in Regensburg were moved during the night, as pointed out by Köstlinger. The crew was flown to the ships via helicopter. The goal was to dock both of them at special spots, ensuring they stay steady.
City Regensburg - Water level - Regensburg - Pegel Donau - Ilzstadt - Water level - Inn - Passau - Water level - Donau - Passau
Read also:
- In response to the rising water levels, the protective wall along the Danube in Regensburg was put to the test, demonstrating its importance in preventing floods.
- During a severe flood in Bavaria, emergency services in Germany had to deploy an assistant to help move a ship safely to a designated spot on the Danube.
- The city of Regensburg has implemented measures to protect against floods, including keeping the protective wall closed during emergencies and activating pumps when necessary.
- When the Danube reached critical water levels in Passau, emergency services were called into action, highlighting the need for continuous flood protection measures across Germany.
- The protective wall along the Danube in Regensburg played a crucial role in preventing a major flood during a heavy storm, saving the city from significant damage.
- The precision of the Danube's water level monitoring systems in ilzstadt and Passau is vital for ensuring the safety of residents and preventing costly floods in emergency situations.