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Refugee Council criticizes Frei initiative ahead of CDU party conference

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Refugee Council criticizes Frei initiative ahead of CDU party conference

The Baden-Württemberg Refugee Council has sharply criticized CDU politician Thorsten Frei's proposal to outsource asylum procedures. "With its proposal, the CDU is further fueling the current race to outdo the most brutal defensive measures against refugees and is not refraining from measures that obviously violate all human rights principles," said the association's co-director, Anja Bartel. She also pointed out that the UK Supreme Court had condemned similar plans by the British government as unlawful.

Frei, the First Parliamentary Secretary of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the Bundestag, wants to advocate the abolition of the individual right of asylum at the CDU state party conference in Reutlingen on Saturday. According to his proposal, asylum procedures should be outsourced to other countries and these countries should also be made a safe haven for refugees. It was initially unclear how the state executive of the south-west CDU would react to the proposal.

In July, Frei had already proposed abolishing the right of individual migrants to apply for asylum on European soil and replacing it with reception quotas.

The Refugee Council's critique of Frei's proposal extends beyond just his recent CDU party conference statement, as they also criticized his July proposal to abolish the individual right of asylum for migrants and replace it with reception quotas. Despite Frei's desire to advocate for these changes at the CDU state party conference in Reutlingen, his proposal to outsource asylum procedures to other countries and make those countries safe havens for refugees has sparked concerns among refugee rights groups, like the Baden-Württemberg Refugee Council, who believe such measures violate human rights principles.




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