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Refugee accommodation not extended: unrest in the district council

The Rostock district council has voted against the continued use of the former "Schwarzheide" mother and child clinic in Graal-Müritz to house refugees. Following the vote against an extension of the usage contract, there was unrest at the meeting in Güstrow on Tuesday evening.

Municipalities - Refugee accommodation not extended: unrest in the district council

The Rostock district council has voted against the continued use of the former "Schwarzheide" mother and child clinic in Graal-Müritz to house refugees. Following the vote against an extension of the usage contract, there was unrest in the assembly in Güstrow on Tuesday evening.

The original motion had been amended on the initiative of the CDU parliamentary group. According to this, the district should, among other things, speak out in favor of noticeably limiting immigration. In addition, the district administrator was to be asked to make it clear to the state and federal government that the district would not be able to cope with any further allocations.

The majority of district councillors voted in favour of adding these points to the original motion to extend the use of the accommodation. However, the majority then rejected the entire application, including the extension of use and the additional points. This caused unrest, audible displeasure and shouts of order in the meeting. The linkage had been criticized before the vote.

According to the original motion, the usage contract for the former mother and child clinic had already been extended once until the end of this year. Due to the continued need to accommodate refugees, the contract was to be extended until the end of 2026.

In the further course of the district council meeting, a vote was also to be taken on a rental agreement already concluded for accommodation with up to 600 places in Rövershagen near Rostock. The district administrator had already concluded the contract in November as part of an urgent decision.

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