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Reform plans: grid fees could fall

Saxony-Anhalt has long criticized the comparatively high grid fees. Now there are concrete reform proposals to ease the burden.

The switched-on circuit breaker of a multiple socket lights up red.
The switched-on circuit breaker of a multiple socket lights up red.

Saxony-Anhalt - Reform plans: grid fees could fall

According to the state government, electricity costs in Saxony-Anhalt could fall as a result of a reform of grid fees. Energy Minister Armin Willingmann welcomed corresponding plans by the Federal Network Agency on Saturday. The key points paper points in the right direction, the SPD politician told the German Press Agency. "The current very unfair distribution of costs for grid expansion could largely be remedied according to the model." Saxony-Anhalt and other federal states in the east and north have been penalized for years for the premature expansion of renewable energies.

According to the energy industry association BDEW, a good fifth of the electricity price is accounted for by grid fees. The money is invested in the expansion of the electricity grids. However, there are strong regional differences in Germany. The costs are particularly high in rural regions and in countries with a high level of renewable energy expansion. At their autumn conference in Wernigerode at the end of September, the energy ministers of the federal states therefore urged a change in grid fees. At the time, Willingmann explained that a household in Saxony-Anhalt with a consumption of 4000 kilowatt hours of electricity would currently have to pay 365 euros in grid fees per year, compared to 323 euros in Bavaria and only 254 euros in Bremen. In Schleswig-Holstein it is even 480 euros.

The Federal Network Agency presented initial proposals for a reform of the grid fees on Friday. According to the key points, 17 of the total of around 870 grid operators would currently be entitled to pass on their additional costs to all electricity consumers in Germany. These 17 operators supply around 10.5 million grid connections.

Lesen Sie auch:

  1. Armin Willingmann, the Energy Minister of Saxony-Anhalt, praised the reform plans presented by the Federal Network Agency, which aim to reduce electricity costs in Saxony-Anhalt by altering grid fees.
  2. According to the BDEW, grid fees account for a significant portion of electricity prices in Germany, with a fifth of the cost being allocated to this expense.
  3. The Federal Network Agency proposed a reform of grid fees on Friday, which could potentially change the way additional costs for grid operators are passed onto all electricity consumers in Germany.
  4. The SPD politician, Armin Willingmann, highlighted that the reform plan could significantly reduce the unfair distribution of costs for grid expansion in regions like Saxony-Anhalt.
  5. If the reform plan is implemented successfully, households in Saxony-Anhalt with a consumption of 4000 kilowatt hours of electricity could potentially save hundreds of euros annually on network charges, according to Willingmann.




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