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Referee camera: Premiere in the 3rd division

What is already common practice in other sports is now making its way into German soccer. On Sunday, a referee wore a camera during the game.

Referee Daniel Schlager leads a match.
Referee Daniel Schlager leads a match.

Soccer - Referee camera: Premiere in the 3rd division

On Sunday, for the first time in a German competitive match in the 3rd soccer league, the referee was equipped with a portable camera. Referee Daniel Schlager wore a camera on his body for the entire duration of Arminia Bielefeld's 2-0 win against TSV 1860 Munich. Although the images were not shown live, they were discussed with Schlager by the broadcaster Magentasport after the match.

"In principle, it's about more transparency and creating a different perspective. There are 30 cameras and 30 angles in the stadium and we only have one, so we have to make decisions live," said Schlager. The 34-year-old from Rastatt hopes that this will lead to greater understanding of the work of the referees.

However, the recordings should not only provide added value for TV viewers. The referees themselves could also use them for training purposes. "Where do you look as a referee? What does the assistant do? I can see some points where you can work with the camera," said Schlager.

DFB profile Daniel Schlager

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