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Reducing interest rates to stimulate growth and the forthcoming US election?

Benefits from Interest Rate Reduction and Upcoming US Election?
Benefits from Interest Rate Reduction and Upcoming US Election?

Reducing interest rates to stimulate growth and the forthcoming US election?

Towards the end of this financial year, market enthusiasts are in for a rollercoaster ride. Besides the possibility of additional interest rate reductions, the upcoming U.S. presidential election might trigger a buzz on the trading floors. Is there a possibility for a year-end stock surge? Friedhelm Tilgen delves into this topic with Paulina Michel from J.P. Morgan and Michael Bußhaus of Justtrade's trading platform.

The upcoming U.S. presidential election could significantly impact the trading floors, adding uncertainty to the market. Analysts are also considering the potential impact of the election results on the US election stock trends.

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