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Reduced number of warrants served during the initial six months of the period.

Numerous individuals have overlooked paying penalties for minor traffic infractions. Additionally, some have neglected to serve their imposed sentences. Yearly, the nation issues a significant number of arrest warrants – a substantial percentage of these remain unsettled.

Various individuals become noticeable, while others unintentionally get identified.
Various individuals become noticeable, while others unintentionally get identified.

- Reduced number of warrants served during the initial six months of the period.

Stumbling upon them accidentally, through self-confessed incidents, or following meticulous investigations: Over the first six months of 2024, approximately 17 arrest warrants were served daily on average. In total, this summed up to 3,054 served arrest warrants, which is around 450 less compared to the same period in the previous year with 3,507 served warrants. This information was confirmed by the State Criminal Police Office in Magdeburg upon request. The data is derived from evaluations by the Federal Criminal Police Office.

Besides these executed warrants, there are numerous others that remain outstanding. As of July 1, 2024, there were 2,694 outstanding warrants, which is slightly less compared to the previous year (2,710).

Multiple warrants can pertain to one individual, as clarified by the LKA. Furthermore, these figures represent a specific instance in time, as warrants are served daily, and the wanted status of an individual is instantaneously revoked. At the same time, new warrants are issued, and individuals are added to the wanted list.

A multitude of outstanding warrants for regulatory infringements

The most common reason for these warrants is infringements of the Regulatory Act. This involves what is known as compulsory detention. Individuals fail to pay fines, for example, due to traffic violations ranging from illegal parking to driving under the influence, as explained by a LKA spokesperson. After reminders, a warrant can be issued to enforce payment of the fine.

For instance, police officers in the Salzland district reported in April that they had apprehended a man with 17 outstanding warrants in Bernburg. The 57-year-old was found at his residence. He was able to pay the total of 334 euros, thereby avoiding detainment.

Warrant not served

Warrants related to theft and embezzlement are also prevalent. According to the LKA, fraud and breach of trust rank third among the most frequent offenses. In these cases, the spokesperson for the General Prosecutor's Office in Naumburg, Klaus Tewes, explained that this is about serving a prison sentence. Individuals were convicted, but had not voluntarily reported to prison. Then, a warrant is issued for their arrest.

For example, at the end of April, a federal police patrol stopped a 27-year-old intoxicated woman at Dessau's main station. A check in the police's wanted system revealed that she was wanted by several public prosecutors' offices, among others, in connection with investigations into theft and assault causing bodily harm. Furthermore, she had been convicted for fare evasion and had neither paid nor served her sentence. Her next destination was prison.

As of July 1, 2024, there were five outstanding warrants for convicted murderers in Saxony-Anhalt, the same number as a year earlier. The number of outstanding warrants for manslaughter was six, which is one less compared to mid-2023.

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