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Redstart bird wins title of Garden's Favorite Animal

Garden animal of the year this year is an early riser, often spotted in numerous gardens and elevated locations.

House redstarts (Phoenicurus ochruros) love higher places such as treetops, roof gables or walls.
House redstarts (Phoenicurus ochruros) love higher places such as treetops, roof gables or walls.

Fowls fly in the sky. - Redstart bird wins title of Garden's Favorite Animal

The House Sparrow has earned the title of 2024's Garden Bird of the Year, thanks to an online poll organized by the Heinz Sielmann Foundation in Duderstadt. This delightful bird is quite recognizable based on its unique appearance and melodic voice, which also makes it an astounding mid-air performer and insect capturer, as stated by Florian Amrhein, the foundation's press representative. The House Sparrow is among the early risers in your backyard. Males with their dark brown body can be seen and heard singing two hours prior to sunrise, while females with their more earthy-colored plumage become audible. Their signature rust-colored tail is a must-see.

These feathered friends prefer to reside on high-up spots such as tree tops, rooftops, or walls where they build nests in tiny crevices throughout the year. Their diet comprises of innumerable insects, and often, they enjoy munching on berries too. Traditionally, they migrate to regions spanning from North Africa to the Near East between November and March. However, with the effects of climate change, they can now remain in Central Europe during the winter.

This bird came out on top in a poll where six animal species competed. It garnered a whopping 42.8% of the total votes. With over 10,000 participants, the decision wasn't a cakewalk as they faced fierce competition from other species like the Wall Lizard, Red Fox, or Zebra Spider. The Heinz Sielmann Foundation, an organization championing the protection of habitats, named after the renowned nature documentarian of the same name, has been electing a Garden Bird of the Year since 2010.

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