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Redstart bird voted as top garden animal in black color

The chosen garden animal for this year is highly active in the morning and is commonly spotted in numerous gardens and atop elevated locations.

A black redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros) sits on a fence.
A black redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros) sits on a fence.

Preserving the beauty and balance of the natural world. - Redstart bird voted as top garden animal in black color

The House Sparrow has been crowned the 2024 Garden Animal of the Year by the Heinz Sielmann Foundation in Duderstadt. In a public vote, the bird with its distinctive plumage and song earned the title of people's favorite.

"The House Sparrow is an early bird that can be spotted in gardens with its coal-black feathers and cheerful songs. It's an impressive flyer and insect hunter," explained Florian Amrhein, the foundation's press spokesperson. He added that the male sparrows have anthracite-colored feathers and serenade their females two hours before dawn. Their melodic tunes consist of chirping and crackling sounds, which can be heard at various times throughout the day. The female sparrows, on the other hand, have brown feathers. The pair is easily identifiable by their rust-colored tails.

These birds prefer to reside in elevated spots like tree crowns, roof edges, and walls, where they create their nests in tiny alcoves. In addition to insects, they also consume berries. Originally, they hunker down in cold weather regions ranging from North Africa to the Near East; however, climate change sometimes causes them to winter in Central Europe too.

In a competition among six animal species, the House Sparrow polled 42.8% of around 10,000 votes. Previous contenders included the Wall Lizard, the Red Fox, and the Zebra Spider. The foundation, named after the renowned nature filmmaker Heinz Sielmann, promotes habitat preservation. Since 2010, they've been hosting the Garden Animal of the Year contest.

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The Heinz Sielmann Foundation in Duderstadt, renowned for nature conservation, conducted a poll to determine the Garden Animal of the Year. The House Sparrow, with its black feathers and melodious songs, emerged as the winner, representing Germany's favorite garden animal. Heinz Sielmann, the foundation's namesake, was a pioneer in environmental education and wildlife documentaries in Germany. Animals like Wall Lizards, Red Foxes, and Zebra Spiders were also among the contestants. Nature conservation and preservation are essential for maintaining the balance of the environment, a crucial aspect of science, especially in Lower Saxony.

This year's victory underscores the importance of protecting urban wildlife like the House Sparrow, which has adapted to changing environments and even sometimes winters in Central Europe due to climate change. As Heinz Sielmann Foundation continues their efforts in nature conservation in Germany, animals like sparrows and other species will continue to thrive in our changing ecosystem.



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