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Red List of ferns and flowering plants

According to an updated list of ferns and flowering plants, every third plant species in Rhineland-Palatinate is considered extinct or endangered to varying degrees. Of the approximately 2000 native species included in the list, only around 900 were classified as endangered. In turn, 652 are...

The medicinal plant arnica stands in a field.
The medicinal plant arnica stands in a field.

Biodiversity crisis - Red List of ferns and flowering plants

According to an updated list of ferns and flowering plants, every third plant species in Rhineland-Palatinate is considered extinct or endangered to varying degrees. Of the approximately 2000 native species included in the list, only around 900 were classified as endangered. In turn, 652 are considered extinct, threatened with extinction, critically endangered, endangered or endangered to an unknown extent.

The remaining 2,000 species were either not assessed in the list, or there was insufficient data, or they are considered extremely rare with no significant losses expected in the short term, or they are on the early warning list. The latter includes species whose populations are declining noticeably but which are still not endangered.

Environment Minister Katrin Eder (Greens) is quoted as saying that the status of many wild plant species has seriously deteriorated. Many once common species have become rare, some habitats have disappeared completely - with far-reaching consequences for the respective ecosystem. "This shows us that the biodiversity crisis is alarming and there is an urgent need for action," emphasized Eder.

The new Red List of ferns and flowering plants in the state, which was commissioned by the State Office for the Environment (LfU), compares populations with those from the nationwide list from 1996. Native species are categorized according to defined categories - the spectrum ranges from "extinct or lost" to "endangered". The list of ferns and flowering plants includes all originally native and naturalized species documented in Rhineland-Palatinate. The LfU also has other Red Lists, for example for large butterflies, dragonflies and breeding birds.

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