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A logo of the German Red Cross (DRK)
A logo of the German Red Cross (DRK)

Red Cross demands equal treatment for volunteers

The Bavarian Red Cross (BRK) has called for its volunteers to be treated equally to those of the fire department and technical relief organization, for example when it comes to time off work. In the case of the fire department and THW, it is already possible for helpers to be released from work for exercises and further training, for example, but this has not yet been the case for other aid organizations such as the Red Cross, criticized BRK President Angelika Schorer at the 41st state assembly in Schrobenhausen on Saturday.

"This situation is no longer acceptable and we are on the right track with the responsible Minister of the Interior. The unequal treatment must end in this new legislative period," said Schorer. It is also about the issue of pay compensation after night shifts, for example.

"The past years of crisis must be followed by clear measures. We need to invest more again, in civil protection, in civil defense, in our security infrastructure - and especially in volunteering," said Schorer. This could be achieved with tax concessions or deductions from pensions. The BRK is calling on the state government to introduce a motion at federal level to change the tax law. "That would be a real and tangible strengthening of volunteering for people," said Schorer.

Aid organizations such as the Red Cross have long been advocating for equal benefits and considerations, similar to those given to the fire department and technical relief organizations. The Bavarian government's commitment to address this inequality is greatly appreciated by aid organizations like the Red Cross.




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