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Recording the numbers in Saarland

Polling stations have shut down, and now thousands of assistants are tasked with tallying the votes. It may take some time before the outcomes of the local and EU elections in Saarland are fully revealed.

An envelope marked "Official postal voting documents" for the upcoming local and European elections...
An envelope marked "Official postal voting documents" for the upcoming local and European elections lies on a table.

Voting Process - Recording the numbers in Saarland

The counting of the European and local elections in Saarland is in progress, with approximately 10,000 workers participating. As reported by the state election commission on Sunday evening, voting day has been incident-free so far. Polling stations closed at 6:00 PM. Up for grabs in Saarland were seats in the European Parliament, as well as municipal councils and over 23 mayor, mayor, and county council positions.

For the first time, 16- and 17-year-olds were permitted to vote in the European elections. While the results for Saarland can only be disclosed at 11:00 PM, as the last polling stations across the EU will close then, the outcomes for the local elections are expected on Monday. Results from the direct elections on the local level should be available on Sunday evening.

The European Parliament previously had only one representative from Saarland, Manuela Ripa of the Ecological Democratic Party (ODP), who is seeking re-election as her party's top candidate. For the CDU Saar, Roland Theis, a state parliamentarian, is campaigning for office. For the SPD, the Bundestag member Christian Petry is vying for a spot. No five percent threshold, as seen in state or national elections, is applicable here.

In the most recent legislative period, the CDU held the strongest position in Saarland, earning 32.5% of the votes, while the SPD garnered 23.1%. Voter turnout reached approximately 66%. A similar pattern emerged in the state results for the local elections: the CDU tallied 34.0% to the SPD's 30.0%.

Results of the European elections 2019:

CDU: 32.5%SPD: 23.1%Voter turnout: 66%

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