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Record number of young birds of the rare Montagu's harrier

A Montagu's harrier (Circus pygargus) has captured a lizard in a
A Montagu's harrier (Circus pygargus) has captured a lizard in a

Record number of young birds of the rare Montagu's harrier

More young birds of the rare Montagu's harrier have fledged in Bavaria this year than for a long time. The LBV nature conservation association recorded 740 young birds from 270 breeding pairs in 2023 - a new record in the past 23 years. This was mainly due to the good stocks of field mice, which meant that the birds of prey were able to find enough food for their offspring, said LBV expert Julia Ott on Monday. Thanks to the mild temperatures in May, the birds were also able to build their nests in fields early, meaning that some of the young birds were already fledged before the harvest.

According to the Landesbund für Vogel- und Naturschutz (LBV), the Montagu's harrier was considered almost extinct in the 1990s because its habitat - wide river valleys and fens - was disappearing. The agile hunters moved to cereal fields to breed. But there the young birds often fall victim to the harvesting machines because they do not fly up in case of danger. According to the LBV, the population numbers have stabilized thanks to a species aid programme. Volunteers track down Montagu's harrier nests in fields every year and protect them in consultation with farmers and nature conservation authorities.

The success of Montagu's harrier population recovery is not only attributed to the record number of young birds but also to the efforts made in nature conservation. With the aid of programs and volunteers, the vulnerable habitats of these animals are being preserved, ensuring their survival in changing landscapes.




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