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Record-breaking sprinter Ansah hides hate comments

After setting the German record over 100 meters, Owen Ansah is racially insulted. However, the sprinter sees this as confirmation of his performance and an incentive.

Owen Ansah ran the 100 meters in 9.99 seconds.
Owen Ansah ran the 100 meters in 9.99 seconds.

Athletics - Record-breaking sprinter Ansah hides hate comments

Owen Ansah, the new 100-meter record holder, refused to comment on racist insults during a press conference in Hamburg, after he became the first German sprinter to stay under ten seconds last weekend.

Regarding the comments in social media, Ansah had already told NDR earlier: "That's really zero percent interesting to me. It goes in one ear and out the other. I have my friends and family with me and the people who support me. Of course, there are always haters, but that doesn't concern me at all."

Ansah had won the national title races in Braunschweig in 9.99 seconds on the previous Saturday, breaking the ten-second mark for the first time as a German under regular wind conditions. Shortly after, the first hate comments appeared online. Ansah said he doesn't look at these comments but admitted they would motivate him. "Such comments motivate me to keep going. They show that I'm on the right track. I'm getting the attention we all deserve."

On his way to the Olympics in Paris, the new German sprint star, who lives and trains in Mannheim, doesn't want to be distracted. The German Athletics Association (DLV) is still investigating whether to file a complaint against unknown individuals. Although Ansah appears unperturbed on the outside, he emphasized: "That's the right way, because those things won't work."

  1. Despite the racist incidents in Hamburg, Hamburg's home team, Hamburger SV, extended their congratulations to Owen Ansah on breaking the German 100-meter record.
  2. Among the outpouring of support, some hostility was also evident on local sports stations like NDR, with critics questioning Ansah's achievements and accusing him of not deserving the recognition.
  3. During the weekend athletics events in Hamburg, the German long jump champion joined the celebration of Ansah's milestone, sharing his delight at seeing another German athlete make history in the sport.
  4. While in Hamburg for an Athletics event, Ansah visited the German Display and Lighting Association (DLV) to discuss potential collaborations, with DLV expressing their admiration for Ansah's resilience and unwavering spirit in the face of hate comments.

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