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Recognition at the National Mathematics Competition

Math geniuses from Germany gather in Flensburg for a competition; Saxony-Anhalt takes home multiple awards.

A mathematical calculation is written in chalk on a blackboard.
A mathematical calculation is written in chalk on a blackboard.

Learning and the acquisition of knowledge - Recognition at the National Mathematics Competition

Mykhailo Lyader, an eighth-grader, and Florian Jäniche, a twelfth-grader, both from Georg-Cantor-Gymnasium Halle, along with Michael Wagner from Magdeburger Werner-von-Siemens-Gymnasium's ninth grade, earned second places at the German Mathematics Olympiad. Rainer Biallas, the Saxony-Anhalt representative for the competition, proclaimed the winners on a Sunday. Alfred Sontag from Landesschule Pforta in the tenth grade and Alexandru Corduban in the eleventh grade from Werner-von-Siemens-Gymnasium Magdeburg, though, were granted recognition prizes.

Thirteen students from Saxony-Anhalt were fortunate enough to make it to the national round of this year's Mathematics Olympiad, which took place in Flensburg, Schleswig-Holstein.

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