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Recently expressed perspective from the previous State Secretary

Following the exit of a prominent government figure, numerous inquiries remain unresolved. Subsequently, Lamia Messari-Becker shares her perspectives on the chancellery's detachment from the allegations of 'improper behavior'.

- Recently expressed perspective from the previous State Secretary

** ousted State Secretary Lamia Messari-Becker** is pleased with the Hessian State Chancellery's separation from the accusation of "wrongdoing" against the senior government official. "I'm glad that the State Chancellery hasn't adopted the allegation of suspected wrongdoing in the personal sphere pointed towards me, and has clearly dissociated itself from the slanderous comments made by Vice-Premier and Economic Minister Mr. Kaweh Mansoori," Messari-Becker shared with the German Press Agency.

Chief of the State Chancellery Benedikt Kuhn (CDU) recently expressed that the government offices have "never endorsed the term 'wrongdoing'." The phrase "unacceptable wrongdoing" in relation to Messari-Becker (non-affiliated) was found in an economic minister Mansoori's SPD press release on July 22, "which was released under his sole responsibility and accountability."

Temporary Leave

Mansoori previously announced that he would assign the non-affiliated building physics professor Messari-Becker to temporary leave due to "wrongdoing" in the personal sphere. According to media reports, the deputy head of government accused her of using her position as State Secretary to pressure for a better grade during a parent-teacher meeting at her child's school.

Mansoori hasn't publicly commented on this yet. Messari-Becker strongly denied the accusations as unsubstantiated. The Greens and the FDP in the state parliament stated, "It's bordering on defamation to imply wrongdoing by the State Secretary and then failing to specify what that wrongdoing is."

Messari-Becker told dpa, "The damage to my reputation and the burden on my family persists. I therefore expect Minister Kaweh Mansoori to retract or, in the alternative, correct his defamatory and, according to renowned administrative law experts, negligent press release."

Parent-Teacher Meeting at School

Education Minister Armin Schwarz (CDU) also mentioned a "report on facts" from a school principal, but considered this letter as legally irrelevant. State Chancellery head Kuhn stated that he was informed about the report and then advised Mansoori on a discussion related to the State Secretary.

However, Mansoori stated that the "wrongdoing" of the sustainable construction and energy efficiency expert, who was removed from the government, was documented. Kuhn, on the other hand, explained that "no wrongdoing by Prof. Dr. Messari-Becker was documented in the State Chancellery." He did not specify which documentation this statement refers to.

"Lack of Trust Relationship"

Messari-Becker told dpa that she "takes note of the statement by the State Chancellery that no written documents on the alleged incident were forwarded to the Economic Minister by the state government before his statement."

According to State Chancellery head Kuhn, the black-red state government's decision to assign the scientist to temporary leave "wasn't based on any wrongdoing, but rather on Mansoori's subsequent request, citing a lack of trust relationship." With this general reference, state secretaries can generally be dismissed without further justification.

In the context of the Hessian State Chancellery's response to the allegations against State Secretary Lamia Messari-Becker, Chief Benedikt Kuhn (CDU) highlighted that the government offices have never endorsed the term 'wrongdoing' in relation to Messari-Becker. On a different note, despite the temporary leave assignment given by Vice-Premier and Economic Minister Kaweh Mansoori due to alleged 'wrongdoing' in Messari-Becker's personal sphere, Hessen remains her place of work.

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