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Reaction to car tariffs: China consults companies on EU brandy

Beijing has been investigating imported brandy from the EU for some time. The measure followed Brussels' investigation into Chinese e-cars. The brandy investigation now affects one country in particular.

China's investigation into imported spirits from the EU mainly affects producers from France....
China's investigation into imported spirits from the EU mainly affects producers from France. (archive picture)

Trade dispute - Reaction to car tariffs: China consults companies on EU brandy

China will listen to the affected companies in its Anti-Dumping investigation on imported brandy from the EU. The announcement for such a meeting on July 18th was made on the day of the provisional implementation of the EU tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles. The Ministry of Commerce stated that they plan to speak about industrial damage and causes related to corresponding brandy products at the meeting.

Ongoing Anti-Dumping investigations against brandy and those against pork and related products from the EU are considered a reaction from Beijing to Brussels' investigations, for instance, against Chinese electric vehicles. In Anti-Dumping investigations, the allegation is usually that the investigated products are offered at artificially lower prices than usual on the respective market.

Beijing has been investigating imported brandy from the EU since January 5th of this year. This measure primarily affects producers from France. Several manufacturers from there and industrial associations had filed for a hearing and could explain themselves, according to the Chinese authorities.

The Ministry of Commerce granted the hearing, according to their own statements, to ensure fairness, impartiality, and transparency in the procedure. The authority had previously confirmed China's willingness to negotiate in the case of the electric vehicle tariffs to reach a solution within the remaining four-month transition period before the measures are finally implemented.

  1. The EU is closely monitoring the trade dispute over brandy between Beijing and Brussels, as the EU also has anti-dumping investigations against certain Chinese products.
  2. Despite the ongoing trade dispute, China has agreed to meet with affected companies in its Anti-Dumping investigation on foreign trade of imported brandy from the EU.
  3. The drinks industry in Europe, particularly manufacturers from France, is closely following the developments in the trade dispute, as exports to China could be impacted.
  4. In the midst of the trade dispute, the European Commission in Brussels is encouraging dialogue with China, hoping to reach a resolution before the final implementation of tariffs on Chinese-made cars.

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