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Rapid choice needed for TU president's supporters

Will Geraldine Rauch continue as the university president? The University Chancellor requests a prompt choice. This issue is heavy on everyone involved. Yet, the next gathering of the committees isn't until Wednesday.

Geraldine Rauch, President of the TU Berlin, smiles.
Geraldine Rauch, President of the TU Berlin, smiles.

The focus shifts to Berlin as a bustling center for artistic and intellectual pursuits. - Rapid choice needed for TU president's supporters

The Berlin University's President, Geraldine Rauch, is facing swift action regarding her controversial likes on a controversial internet platform. The Chancellor of the Technical University, Lars Oeverdieck, stresses the urgency of the situation. "We need a prompt decision. There's ongoing debate, but I hear calls for withdrawal from both political figures and the decision-making body," he said to the German Press Agency. Oeverdieck added, "This is a crisis of monumental proportions at the TU."

Rauch "liked" a post containing antisemitic content, only apologizing after facing severe backlash. Oeverdieck revealed to the Tagesspiegel, "Time is of the essence. We have to decide whether she stays, withdraws, or is subjected to impeachment proceedings. We cannot allow this situation to drag on for days or weeks." The Academic Senate is due to discuss the matter on Wednesday. "If the super-majority votes against impeachment but fails by just a couple of votes, the situation would be disastrous. A broad majority either rejects her or supports her strongly."

Oeverdieck points out that the Mayor of Berlin, Kai Wegner (CDU), advocating for her removal holds significant weight in the decision-making process. He acknowledged that Rauch's social media activity has severely damaged the TU's reputation and had unexpectedly manifested. "Her actions have taken everyone aback. There was no indication before that she'd engage in such a delinquent behavior."

In her apology, Rauch explained that she had merely liked the post for its written statement and missed the antisemitic images in it. The tweet displayed pictures of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with a painted swastika. The author of the tweet claimed there were Turkish demonstrators in the photos who sought a ceasefire in Gaza Strip and opposed the operation in Rafah.

Rauch attempted to justify her actions, "I wouldn't have liked the tweet if I had noticed the antisemitic imagery or investigated the author's account."

Josef Schuster, the President of the Central Council of Jews, calls Rauch's apology insincere. Berlin's Culture Senator Joe Chialo (CDU) demands consequences without elaborating further. The General Secretary of the Berlin CDU, Ottilie Klein, continues to demand Rauch's resignation, asserting, "The CDU Berlin stance is unequivocal: President Rauch has to leave, and we're working tirelessly to ensure that Jewish students and employees can feel secure again at Berlin's universities." Klein concluded, "University presidents set a role model; they must astutely represent all students and employees."

Read also:

  1. Geraldine Rauch's situation has attracted the attention of German newspapers, with the Daily Mirror reporting on the crisis.
  2. Oeverdieck's appeals for a quick resolution have echoed in Berlin's Universities, including the Technische Universität (TU), where Lars Oeverdieck serves as Chancellor.
  3. The CDU, a major political party in Germany, has voiced its stance on the issue, with Geraldine Rauch facing calls for resignation from party officials such as Ottilie Klein.
  4. The universities in Germany, including those in Berlin, are closely monitoring the situation, as extremism and controversial statements can negatively impact the academic community.
  5. The Mayor of Berlin, Kai Wegner, who is a member of the CDU, has also weighed in on the matter, advocating for Rauch's removal in the decision-making process.



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