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Ramelow stands by budget compromise

Minister President Bodo Ramelow has defended the budget compromise between the red-red-green minority coalition and the opposition CDU parliamentary group. "I stand by the agreement. I have an overall responsibility. The state is served by this approach," Ramelow (Left Party) told the German...

Bodo Ramelow (r, Left Party), Minister President of Thuringia, speaks at the district
Bodo Ramelow (r, Left Party), Minister President of Thuringia, speaks at the district assembly.

Financial policy - Ramelow stands by budget compromise

Minister President Bodo Ramelow has defended the budget compromise between the red-red-green minority coalition and the opposition CDU parliamentary group. "I stand by the agreement. I have an overall responsibility. The state is served by this approach," Ramelow (Left Party) told the German Press Agency on Wednesday on the fringes of the district assembly in Erfurt. The budget compromise, which was described as painful by representatives of the Left Party, SPD and Greens on Tuesday, gives Thuringia financial stability for 2024 and a financial risk buffer for 2025.

Ramelow pointed out that the state would have around 700 million euros in its financial reserves for emergencies at the end of 2024. "We are determined to plan for this amount." The government's draft of the state budget, with a record volume of 13.8 billion euros to date, had still planned to use up the state's financial reserves completely.

The leaders of the red-red-green parliamentary group criticized the fact that the CDU had negotiated the main features of the budget compromise with Ramelow and not with them as parliamentarians. Overall, far-reaching concessions were made to the CDU parliamentary group. CDU parliamentary group leader Mario Voigt said that 95 percent of the CDU's demands had been met.

The Red-Red-Greens had to compromise with the CDU parliamentary group because the governing coalition does not have its own majority in the state parliament - it lacks four votes.

This Thursday, the state parliament's budget committee intends to make the agreed corrections to the government's draft budget and thus pave the way for its adoption on December 20.

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