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Raise a glass! High activity at sparkling wine producers before New Year's Eve

In the run-up to Christmas and New Year's Eve, the employees of sparkling wine producer Duprès pack and ship a particularly large amount of sparkling wine. "My colleagues in the store have an endless amount of work to do," said Günter Kubanek. The 68-year-old cellar master has been running the...

Champagne bottles are stored in a vaulted cellar under Landestrost Castle in the Hanover
Champagne bottles are stored in a vaulted cellar under Landestrost Castle in the Hanover region.

Holidays - Raise a glass! High activity at sparkling wine producers before New Year's Eve

In the run-up to Christmas and New Year's Eve, the employees of sparkling wine producer Duprès pack and ship a particularly large amount of sparkling wine. "My colleagues in the store have an endless amount of work to do," said Günter Kubanek. The 68-year-old cellar master has been giving tours of the historic sparkling wine cellar at Landestrost Castle for more than two years.

In the cool, dark vaults, Günter Kubanek and his colleague Dietrich Walloschke show how the sparkling wine was produced on site. In addition to explanations of how the sparkling wines are produced, there are also tastings for those interested. Kubanek himself also likes to drink sparkling wine and white wine. His colleague Dietrich Walloschke, on the other hand, who has been cellar master for more than 20 years, prefers pilsner.

In the past, sparkling wine was also produced in the castle. It is no longer produced on site. The sparkling wine cellar was founded in 1888 by pearl merchant Fritz Kollmeyer. Inspired by his travels through the Champagne region, Kollmeyer had the desire to produce sparkling wine in Neustadt am Rübenberge. According to cellar master Kubanek, Kollmeyer has wanted to take care of the pearls in the glass ever since - because "they give pleasure more quickly".

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