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Rainy weather in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland

In the southwest, you can leave your summer swimwear behind for now. Summer is taking a short break until Friday.

After the sunny days, the weather in Rhineland-Palatinate is getting worse.
After the sunny days, the weather in Rhineland-Palatinate is getting worse.

German Weather Service - Rainy weather in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland

After the sunny days, the sky draws closer in Rhinland-Pfalz and Saarland. People can also look forward to somewhat cooler temperatures. According to the German Weather Service (DWD), rain is expected to come from the north during Tuesday. The highest temperatures range from 16 to 19 degrees. The rain starts in the night to Wednesday, with minimum temperatures of 11 to 7 degrees, it gets noticeably colder.

On Wednesday, the rain is expected to return from the west, according to the forecasts. With peak temperatures of 14 to 17 degrees, a light to moderate westerly wind blows. It gets noticeably cooler again at night, down to 12 to 8 degrees. The rain lets up in some places.

On Thursday, meteorologists expect occasional showers, but the cloud cover thins out during the day. With highest temperatures of 17 to 21 degrees, it gets noticeably warmer again. According to DWD, the rest of the week is expected to remain mostly dry. Temperatures are also expected to rise to a maximum of 23 degrees.

In Offenbach, the forecast indicates rain moving in from the north on Tuesday, following the sunny days. The Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland regions, adjacent to Offenbach, also anticipate similar weather conditions. The German Weather Service (DWD) has mentioned that the southwestern parts of Germany, including areas like Saarland, might experience light to moderate rain on Thursday.

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