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Rain, sun, cold and heat: June balance sheet in MV

From cold valleys to heat of over 30 degrees: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern experienced sun, rain and record temperatures. The beginning of summer shows itself in all its facets.

A faded dandelion stands on a meadow in the sunshine.
A faded dandelion stands on a meadow in the sunshine.

Weather - Rain, sun, cold and heat: June balance sheet in MV

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern experienced fluctuating weather in June with a total of 32.4 degrees Celsius on the 27th, resulting in an average temperature of 16.4 degrees Celsius, which is about one degree above the long-term average of the reference period 1961 to 1990, according to the German Weather Service (DWD) on Friday.

Simultaneously, the month was over-average in terms of rainfall and precipitation, with approximately 67 liters per square meter, four liters more than the long-term average in June. The sun shone for 225 hours, fewer than the average of the reference period, but the region still ranked among the sunniest in June.

Nationally, the weather in June 2024 was also changeable. Temperatures varied significantly, from autumn-like coolness to high summer heat and tropical warmth. The DWD reported a nationwide average temperature of 16.8 degrees Celsius, which is 1.4 degrees above the temperature of the reference period 1961 to 1990. Simultaneously, June was exceptionally wet and rainy nationwide, with approximately 91 liters per square meter, which is around 107% of the long-term average. Particularly in Southern Germany, heavy floods and storms occurred with hail and heavy rain.

In contrast to some parts of Germany, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, specifically Rostock and Schwerin, also encountered numerous rain showers throughout June, contributing to the overall increase in rainfall. The German Weather Service (DWD) warned of potential storms earlier in the month due to the unpredictable weather patterns. Despite the cold start to the month, the region maintained higher temperatures than the long-term average, with a storm on the 27th bringing a cooler winds, temporarily dropping the temperature.

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