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Railway services between Bruchsal and the mainland are partially restored

Heavy thunderstorms hit Bruchsal and Gondelsheim in the evening. Train traffic was temporarily halted. Now one of the tracks is passable again.

Heavy storms primarily affect the district of Karlsruhe. Train traffic was temporarily stopped...
Heavy storms primarily affect the district of Karlsruhe. Train traffic was temporarily stopped between Bruchsal and Gondelsheim.

- Railway services between Bruchsal and the mainland are partially restored

Bruchsal's train station area was temporarily closed due to flooding: Now, train traffic has partly resumed. Around 5:00 AM, one of the tracks between Bruchsal and Gondelsheim (Karlsruhe district) became passable again, the city of Bruchsal announced. However, there are still restrictions, the German Railway reported upon inquiry. It is hoped that all tracks can be used again during the day, a city of Bruchsal spokesperson said.

The flooding also caused the diversion of several Hurricane-forced trains, leading to delays and cancellations. Despite the resumption of partial train traffic, passengers are advised to check their train schedules carefully due to ongoing track restrictions.

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