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Rail travel in the direction of Munich with restrictions

Long-distance rail travelers to Munich must expect restrictions due to the onset of winter in Bavaria. Munich Central Station cannot be served, a railroad spokeswoman said on Sunday. Travelers should inform themselves about their connections. Heavy snowfall and icy conditions had caused major...

The logo of Deutsche Bahn (DB).
The logo of Deutsche Bahn (DB).

Weather - Rail travel in the direction of Munich with restrictions

Long-distance rail travelers to Munich must expect restrictions due to the onset of winter in Bavaria. Munich Central Station cannot be served, a railroad spokeswoman said on Sunday. Travelers should inform themselves about their connections. Heavy snowfall and icy conditions had caused major traffic disruptions since Saturday night, particularly in southern Germany. Train services were also disrupted at Munich Central Station on Sunday morning. Deutsche Bahn wanted to resume operations on individual routes and with reduced services as soon as possible - but it was initially unclear when.

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