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"Raids on the 'Reichsbürger' terror organization"

After St. Nicholas Day 2022, an unexpected raid occurred in Germany, revealing plans of "Reichsbürger" to stage a violent coup. Police continue to investigate related matters.

Police officers stand on a road near Bad Teinach.
Police officers stand on a road near Bad Teinach.

The news is about Karlsruhe. - "Raids on the 'Reichsbürger' terror organization"

Dust wafts away, shutters are lowered, and armed, disguised law enforcement stand before an ancient gate that once led to a wine cave: German authorities launched a raid against individuals believed to support the far-right, anti-government group surrounding the "Reichsbürger" ideologue Heinrich XIII. Prince Reuß in the northern Black Forest on Tuesday. Social media has been abuzz with photos of the operation, speculation on shots fired, casualties, and fatalities, claims Mayor Rüdiger Klahm of Althengstett in the afternoon. Initially, residents' anxiety couldn't be quelled due to limited information. Reports of hidden weapon caches of the "Reichsbürger" have spread as well.

Two suspects: Funding recruitment events for a domestic terrorist group

Late in the day, the authorities announced a 73-year-old man and a 63-year-old woman from Baden-Württemberg face charges for providing rooms in Saxony for the "Reichsbürger" group around Prince Reuß's faction for recruitment events in December 2021 and January 2022. It is also alleged that the woman handed over a car to a key suspect, Rüdiger v. P., in the fall of 2021. These two individuals will be charged with supporting a domestic terrorist organization, stated a representative from the Federal Prosecutor's Office.

There were no on-site arrests. Police operations searched seven locations and three plots in Baden-Württemberg, Saxony, and Schleswig-Holstein since morning. The authorities explained these actions initially to the press.

The official news reveals that apartments of the two suspects in Althengstett and Bad Teinach-Zavelstein (both Calw district) were inspected, alongside their properties. Completion of the operations will potentially take additional time, according to officials.

A neighbor in Althengstett describes what she saw: she watched from her bathtub as blue lights flooded the street. An officer signaled at her to move away from the window, followed by a loud bang, resulting in shattered glass. She fails to see her neighbor as a criminal, contends the woman. An elderly resident from Althengstett noted that the incident transpired smoothly, as the authorities cordoned off the street and proceeded.

Group later became notorious with the 2022 nationwide anti-terror raids

This Reichsbürger faction insists that the German Reich (1871-1945) still exists. They refuse to recognize the Federal Republic and its regulations.

This group coalesced into public view after a widespread anti-terror operation in multiple federal states and abroad shortly after St. Nicholas' Day of 2022. Since then, numerous arrests and trials have occurred, charging these individuals with attempting to overthrow Germany's political establishment. Their actions risked human lives, a statement asserts.

Prince Reuß and his associates have garnered widespread media attention and legal procedures following the enormous anti-terror crackdown in December 2022. Including Birgit Malsack-Winkemann, a former Berlin judge and once an AFOD Bundestag representative, and a former KSK officer, the group's hierarchy had Birgit Malsack-Winkemann leading justice affairs.

The trial will be divided into three legal proceedings to be held at the Oberlandesgerichts in Frankfurt am Main, Stuttgart, and Munich beginning June 18th. The trial in Frankfurt addresses Prince Reuß's affiliations, internet activities, car collection, finance, and residences. A BKA agent testified about his link to the prince, while the defendants' lawyers frequently interjected objections.

The prosecution in Stuttgart aims to charge the military aspect of the presumed terrorist group. According to the indictment, they attempted to seize power via a nationwide network of 286 militarily organized groups, labeled Heimatschutzkompanien. The "Heimatschutzkompanie Nr. 221" was to oversee the districts of Freudenstadt and Tübingen.

Over 700 law enforcement officers, including BKA, Bundespolizei, and multiple state police forces, were involved in the 2023 searches. The Baden-Württemberg prosecutor's office relayed that special units from the Bundeskriminalamt and the Baden-Württemberg police participated in the actions, along with the Baden-Württemberg bomb disposal service and the Sachsen Technical Relief Organization. Heavy machinery was also utilized in the operation.

Additional raids occurred in the Erzgebirgskreis, with searches taking place in Seiffen and Pockau-Lengefeld. At that point, specifics on these raids remained unavailable.

A robust response to the suspected terrorist network, with major cities in Germany targeted. Search warrants include the locations of the prince's presumed associates, as well as exterior locations potentially storing weaponry. Targeted individuals range broadly, from an ex-judge to a former military officer. The operation also specifically targeted Malsack-Winkemann, who had a storied legal career before her involvement in this group. Authorities hasten to detail their findings and ensure public safety during the crackdown.

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