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Radio Bremen's programming disrupted by a warning strike

Due to a work stoppage by employees at Radio Bremen and its affiliate Bremedia, the local program "Buten un Binnen" was canceled on Friday night. The spokesperson for the network disclosed on Saturday that broadcasts of "Hallo Niedersachsen," a show from Norddeutscher Rundfunk, were aired...

Employees of the radio station Radio Bremen demonstrate during a warning strike in front of the...
Employees of the radio station Radio Bremen demonstrate during a warning strike in front of the broadcasting center in Bremen.

Trade taxes imposed - Radio Bremen's programming disrupted by a warning strike

Radio broadcasts were impacted as well, per the broadcasters. Transmissions were still sent, but they aired an hour earlier than normal, at 5 pm for all stations collectively. All stations under Radio Bremen continued to operate, with the presenter mentioning the inclusion of certain music tracks.

The talk show "3nach9" aired as planned at 10:30 pm, but with certain technical restrictions in place.

Verdi, the union, reported that roughly 25% of Radio Bremen staff and Bremedia employees went on strike between 4:30 pm and 12 am, a total of more than 100 people. Verdi aims for a 10.5% hike in wages and salaries this year. The broadcaster counters with a proposed hike of 2.25% this year and a potential additional increase of 2.46% in the following year, contingent on no further negotiations on wage increases until mid-2026.

With the wage order, the union hopes to partially compensate for income losses incurred this year and the past three years, where inflation outpaced the 9% increase by 19%.

Peter Dinkloh, the union rep, expressed, "We can witness the immense political and economic pressure on public-law broadcasting institutions." Hence, the union only seeks to reimburse employees' purchasing power losses. "Regrettably, management is not acknowledging our justifications thus far, making them directly responsible for our strike," he added.

Negotiations are reliant on discussion, according to the spokeswoman. She noted a sudden unexpected strike following just one round of talks - hardly a beneficial environment for negotiations. "Unfortunately, our listeners were affected, as we attempted to convey as high-quality programming as possible amidst strike conditions last night," she stated. The next round of talks is scheduled for June 25 in Bremen.

Read also:

  1. The United Services Union in Lower Saxony has expressed support for Radio Bremen's subsidiaries, expressing concerns over the tariffs being imposed.
  2. The media coverage of the strike at Radio Bremen has led to a wave of public sympathy, with many calling for a fair resolution to the wage dispute.
  3. During the warning strike, broadcasts of Radio Bremen's popular show "3nach9" were limited, but the station still managed to air the program with certain technical adjustments.
  4. In the aftermath of the strike, talks between the union and the management of Radio Bremen's subsidiaries in Bremen are set to resume, with both sides aiming for a resolution that considers the financial impact on the broadcaster and its employees.

