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Rabe: Hamburg successful in supporting school children

After the poor PISA results, there were immediate calls for individual support for schoolchildren. Hamburg's school senator Rabe believes that this has already been well implemented in the fourth grade in the Hanseatic city.

Ties Rabe, Hamburg Senator for Schools and Vocational Training.
Ties Rabe, Hamburg Senator for Schools and Vocational Training.

Schools - Rabe: Hamburg successful in supporting school children

Hamburg's school senator Ties Rabe (SPD) believes that the Hanseatic city is already on the right track in its call for individual support for pupils following the poor PISA results. A new evaluation of the "Anschluss" mentoring program by the Institute for Educational Monitoring and Quality Development (IfBQ) shows "how successful individual support is already being provided in Hamburg," said Rabe on Thursday. The learning development of many pupils has been improved. "Their learning deficits have been reduced," emphasized Rabe. Since the start of the program in August 2021, 11,365 pupils have already received support.

According to the information provided, the "Anschluss" learning support program is aimed at pupils in the fourth grade in the transition to secondary school. All underachieving children receive additional learning courses under the guidance of specially trained, predominantly student mentors in areas such as reading, text comprehension, writing and mathematics. The courses, each with four to five pupils, would take place twice a week in the afternoon for two lessons in addition to the regular lessons.

The learning support programme was initially organized by the school authorities and the State Institute for Teacher Training and School Development (LI) in cooperation with the "Zeit" Foundation and the University of Hamburg. Since this year, the LI has been solely responsible for the program. For the evaluation of the program at a representative sample of 47 elementary school, data from school statistics and the "Kermit" learning level surveys were analysed from February 2022 to July 2023 and school administrators, teachers and mentors were interviewed, among others.

Sabine Boeddinghaus, spokesperson for school policy for the left-wing parliamentary group in the Hamburg parliament, explained: "The success proves that education can succeed, that children and young people can really learn sustainably, not for school, but for life." Now it is important to make the exclusive program available to all Hamburg schoolchildren. "Anschluss" is a solid tool for tackling the prevailing educational inequality.

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