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Raab admits mistakes and withdraws from SWR panel

The representative of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate for media, Heike Raab, has admitted mistakes and resigned from her position as Deputy Chair of the SWR Board of Directors. "From today's perspective and in reflection of the discussion of recent weeks, I want to self-critically admit that...

Heike Raab (SPD), State Secretary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate.
Heike Raab (SPD), State Secretary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate.

Parties - Raab admits mistakes and withdraws from SWR panel

The representative of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate for media, Heike Raab, has admitted mistakes and resigned from her position as Deputy Chair of the SWR Board of Directors. "From today's perspective and in reflection of the discussion of recent weeks, I want to self-critically admit that instead of writing a letter, I should have addressed my factual criticism of the SWR report of April 11 in the responsible broadcasting committees," reads a statement from the State Secretary on Thursday. "It was never for a second my intention to exert pressure. All the more reason for me to deeply regret that this impression could arise."

Raab had sent a letter with an official letterhead from the state government to the Rhineland-Palatinate SWR state broadcasting director Ulla Fiebig. It was about a broadcast on SWR television with an SWR political correspondent, which also dealt with the political future of SPD politician Roger Lewentz, who had resigned as Rhineland-Palatinate Interior Minister in connection with the Ahr Valley flood disaster.

Raab(SPD) is the state's representative to the federal government and for Europe and the media. She is the coordinator of the Broadcasting Commission of the federal states and is one of the most important media politicians in Germany. As a representative of the state, she is also a member of the State Broadcasting Council.

"I underestimated the impact due to my special role in media policy," says Raab's statement. "In retrospect, I consider the fact that I used the letterhead "authorized representative" to be a mistake. I would like to apologize for this," Raab emphasized.

"You know how committed I am to free and independent media. That is why I would like to dispel any doubts and have therefore resigned from the SWR Board of Directors in writing."

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