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"Querdenken" demonstrator beaten? Charges against police officer

A police officer allegedly punched an arrested participant in the face with his fist for no reason during a demonstration against the coronavirus measures. The now 37-year-old was charged with assault in office, as the police announced on Thursday.

The police lettering on an emergency vehicle.
The police lettering on an emergency vehicle.

Bodily injury - "Querdenken" demonstrator beaten? Charges against police officer

A police officer allegedly punched an arrested participant in the face with his fist for no reason during a demonstration against the coronavirus measures. The now 37-year-old has been charged with assault in office, as the police announced on Thursday.

The 37-year-old was on duty at a meeting of the"Querdenken Berlin" initiative on 19 December 2020. The arrest was explained to the injured party. The accused and another police officer took him to a police vehicle on Alexanderplatz.

In a cell in the vehicle, the accused allegedly hit him in the face with his gloved fist, causing pain, nosebleeds and skin abrasions.

There were many demonstrations in Berlin against the government measures during the coronavirus pandemic. In August 2020, several hundred demonstrators stormed a staircase to the Reichstag building in Berlin during protests against the coronavirus laws.

Press release

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