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Puzzle of stolen van along the Rhine.

A fisherman found a car submerged in water. Upon recovering it, responders found that the engine and transmission had been taken out.

Eine Blaulicht leuchtet auf dem Dach eines Polizeiwagens. Im Hintergrund steht ein weiterer...
Eine Blaulicht leuchtet auf dem Dach eines Polizeiwagens. Im Hintergrund steht ein weiterer Streifenwagen.

Criminal activity - Puzzle of stolen van along the Rhine.

A truck discovered floating in the Rhine close to Worms is perplexing the police. They want to find out how the vehicle ended up in the river. On Monday, Darmstadt officials stated that the truck was stolen from an unknown workshop's property in Hesse during the weekend. It was spotted by a fisherman on Sunday morning, partially submerged in the water. Rescue services successfully retrieved the empty, driverless vehicle from the river. The engine and transmission were removed, and the gas tank was empty. The police are hoping that someone with information will step forward.

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