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Putin wants to make Russia "independent" in a possible fifth term in office

In his first campaign speech ahead of the 2024 presidential election, Russian head of state Vladimir Putin announced his intention to turn Russia into a "sovereign and independent" state. "Russia will either be a sovereign and self-sufficient state, or it will not exist at all," Putin said on...

Russia's president is running for a fifth term as
Russia's president is running for a fifth term as

Putin wants to make Russia "independent" in a possible fifth term in office

Putin announced his candidacy for a fifth term as president at the beginning of December. The election will take place next March, around two years after the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In view of the ongoing crackdown by the authorities on the opposition in Russia, the incumbent is expected to secure victory. According to the constitution adopted in 2020, Putin can theoretically remain in office until 2036.

"We will only make our own decisions, without tips from abroad," Putin said to applause from United Russia members. "Russia cannot, like some countries, give up its sovereignty in return for a few sausages and become someone's satellite," said the 71-year-old, apparently alluding to Ukraine. The West is trying to "collapse" Russia's economy and "cause internal unrest", Putin continued. "But such tactics have not worked."

"We still have a lot to do for Russia's interests," said the long-serving Kremlin leader. Russia is facing "historic" tasks. "With all the Russian people, let us defend Russia's sovereignty, freedom, security, everything that is dear to us, our history, our culture, our values and our traditions," Putin appealed.

The leader of United Russia, former President Dmitry Medvedev, assured the congress that his party would "do everything" to support Putin's candidacy.

Read also:

  1. During his election campaign speech, Putin expressed his desire for Russia to remain "independent," free from foreign influence.
  2. Despite the ongoing crackdown on the opposition in Russia, Putin is expected to win the presidential election in Ukraine, scheduled for next March.
  3. In his speech, Putin criticized the West for trying to "collapse" Russia's economy and "cause internal unrest," but acknowledged that their tactics have not been successful.
  4. The incumbent Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, announced his intention to run for a fifth term as president, emphasizing the importance of Russia's "sovereignty, freedom, security, history, culture, values, and traditions."
  5. In appreciation of Putin's stance, United Russia members applauded his "independent" stance, as he pledged to continue making decisions "without tips from abroad."
  6. The 71-year-old Putin also pointed out that some countries give up their sovereignty in return for "a few sausages" and become satellite nations, seemingly referencing Ukraine in his remarks.
  7. The long-serving Kremlin leader called upon the Russian people to join him in defending their nation's sovereignty, urging them to work together to preserve Russia's interests for the foreseeable future.




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