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Putin for the New Year: Russia will "never" retreat

In his New Year's address, Russian President Vladimir Putin assured that his country would "never" back down. Russia had "fiercely defended" its interests in 2023, he said in his New Year's speech on Sunday. He did not explicitly mention Ukraine.

Putin at an appointment on
Putin at an appointment on

Putin for the New Year: Russia will "never" retreat

"We have proven many times that we can solve the most difficult tasks and that we will never back down, because no power can divide us," he emphasized in his televised speech. And even if he did not mention Ukraine directly, there were a number of allusions. For example, he explicitly thanked the Russian soldiers, "our heroes".

But unlike last year, when the president appeared with military representatives in uniform at his side, this time he declared 2024 to be the "Year of the Family". Russia, which is going through a "historic phase", will be "even stronger" next year, he assured.

In 2023, "we defended our national interests hard, our freedom and our security, our values", he said. Last year, Putin emphasized that "moral and historical justice" was on Russia's side.

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