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Putin expresses a desire for collaborative efforts in North Korea and extends gratitude for aid provided in Ukraine.

During the latest series of events, Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to North Korea, a milestone not seen for over two decades, culminated in a pact for closer collaboration between the two nations. Putin acknowledged North Korea's consistent and unwavering backing of Russia's conflict...

Kim Jong Un and Putin
Kim Jong Un and Putin

Putin expresses a desire for collaborative efforts in North Korea and extends gratitude for aid provided in Ukraine.

Here's the paraphrased version of your text:

According to Russian news outlets, Putin announced that Russia and North Korea have made considerable progress in their mutual relationship. Putin extended an invitation to North Korea's leader for a visit to Moscow. Putin, who has met Kim twice before in Russia's Far East, said, "It's great to see you again."

Kim reciprocated with favorable comments about the rapport between the two nations. "The relationship between our nations is transitioning into a new phase of flourishing, unlike any Korean-Soviet relations seen in the last century," Kim was reported by Russian news outlets.

Putin and Kim signed a Russian-North Korean accord aiming to strengthen cooperation between the two countries. The Russian news agency Ria Novosti described it as a "comprehensive agreement on a strategic partnership". Putin, during a joint press conference with Kim, stated the treaty includes mutual "support" in the event of "aggression" against either nation. Russia might engage in "military-technical cooperation" with North Korea. Both countries would continue to challenge the Western sanctions imposed on them.

Kim referred to the agreement as one of "peaceful and defensive nature". The "powerful" treaty was "constructive" and "future-oriented". Kim addressed Putin as "the best friend of the Korean people".

North Korea is accused of providing Russia with weapons for its attack on Ukraine. North Korea has dismissed these claims as "ridiculous". Putin is currently searching for more ammunition for his troops.

Any official arms agreements between North Korea and Russia would go against UN Security Council resolutions targeting North Korea's nuclear and missile program, which Russia, as a permanent member, had also endorsed.

Putin expressed his desire to revise the UN sanctions against North Korea during his visit. The "unrestricted restrictive regime" imposed on North Korea was "inspired" by the USA and their allies in the UN Security Council, Putin said.

According to a North Korea expert from Dongguk University in South Korea, Moscow and Pyongyang have mutual dependences. Russia needs North Korea's weapons supplies for the ongoing war in Ukraine - North Korea, in turn, requires food, energy, and advanced weapons from Russia.

However, Moscow also aims to maintain relationships with countries like South Korea. What Kim and Putin publicly declared and what they discussed during their meeting were two distinct matters, according to the expert.

From the expert's perspective, Putin's support for Kim helps him "counter his reliance on his significant ally Beijing". In return, Putin gets "assured access to large quantities of Soviet artillery shells", which he currently needs.

Kim once again voiced his nation's support for Russia's military campaign in Ukraine. "North Korea extends its full support and solidarity to the Russian government, army, and people in conducting a military operation in Ukraine for the protection of sovereignty, security, and territorial integrity," Kim declared.

Putin landed in North Korea on a Tuesday evening for his visit. Kim welcomed Putin upon his arrival at the airport. The two secluded leaders, who seldom receive diplomatic visits, embraced each other on the red carpet.

This is Putin's second visit to North Korea during his time as leader: In 2000, shortly after he assumed the presidency, Putin visited Kim Jong Il in North Korea. The isolated nation rarely receives diplomatic visits. In September of the preceding year, Kim traveled to the far eastern part of Russia in his armored train and met with Putin, among other places, at the Vostochny Cosmodrome.

For the official start of their meeting, Putin and Kim attended a ceremony on Pyongyang's Kim Il-Sung Square on a Wednesday. Photos released by the Kremlin showed the square adorned with large portraits of the two men. Thousands of residents of the North Korean capital, including many children, cheered Putin and Kim to the music of a military orchestra, while showering them with flowers and balloons. The North Korean leadership also orchestrated a mass dance performance.

Read also:

  1. During a state visit to North Korea, Vladimir Putin praised the cooperation between the two nations and thanked North Korea for aid provided in Ukraine.
  2. RIA Novosti, a Russian news agency, reported that Putin and North Korea's leader signed an agreement aiming to strengthen their partnership, with a focus on mutual support in the face of aggression.
  3. The relationships between Russia and North Korea have transitioned into a new phase, with Putin inviting the North Korean leader for a visit to Moscow.
  4. Putin's visit to North Korea comes at a time when North Korea faces international sanctions, with Putin expressing his desire to revise these restrictions during his visit.
  5. News agencies reported that North Korea has been accused of providing Russia with weapons for its attack on Ukraine, but Kim dismissed these claims as "ridiculous."
  6. The expert from Dongguk University in South Korea noted that there is a mutual dependence between Moscow and Pyongyang, with Russia needing North Korea's weapons supplies for the ongoing war in Ukraine and North Korea requiring food, energy, and advanced weapons from Russia.
  7. Putin landed in North Korea for his second visit as leader, with Kim welcoming him with a warm embrace upon his arrival at the airport.



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