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Putin declares German-Russian relations terminated permanently.

Vladimir Putin steps into the spotlight at the 27th International Economic Forum happening in St. Petersburg, networkingly exchanging handshakes and delivering talks. With an abiding purpose in mind, Putin intends to reshape the global order.

Russian President Vladimir Putin at a press conference on the sidelines of the 27th International...
Russian President Vladimir Putin at a press conference on the sidelines of the 27th International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg.

St. Petersburg's Economic Conference - Putin declares German-Russian relations terminated permanently.

Today, global business leaders assembled in St. Petersburg at the behest of Russia's president. The event, carrying the tagline "A Multipolar World: Formulating New Growth Areas," brought together politicians and entrepreneurs under a common cause: to create a new global order.

The financial means required for this objective, Putin hopes to acquire at the Economic Forum. Despite staggering financial sanctions and commerce barriers from the West, the Russian economy remains buoyant, we're told.

Among the various discussions of importance, one centered on, "'The Devil's Empire': Have the West Achieved to Vilify Russia?" Putin reiterated his distrust for the system rival, even targeting his one-time ally - Deutschland - directly.

German Tanks in Ukraine: "Moral and Ethical Outrage"

During a chat with international journalists, Putin strongly condemned Germany's foreign policy, saying, "When German tanks initially interjected into Ukrainian soil, this instigated a moral and ethical outcry in Russia, as Russia-Germany ties have been exceptional within Russian society."

"In case more German missiles are commissioned to obliterate targets encompassing Russian soil, then that spells the unraveling of Russian-German relations." The German munition in the conversation is the Taurus model, an air-to-ground projectile. Very recently, Germany permitted Kiev to pummel objectives in Russia with rockets provided by them. Yet, Chancellor Olaf Scholz refuses to dispatch long-range rockets such as the Taurus.

Putin on CDU/CSU

Enquired about German home politics, Putin fired back, stating, "Russia possesses no 'systematic alliances' with the AfD. The Kremlin is prepared to interact with any who are prepared to associate with Russia."

As of late, multiple surveys and blatant indications have surfaced that AfD politician Petr Bystron secured funding from Russia to further his Russian goals in Germany. Moreover, suspicions envelop AfD top candidate for the European election, Maximilian Krah.

Putin claimed, "I perceive no indications of neo-Nazism within the AfD - even with the entire party classified as a suspected far-right extremist group by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution." He further added, "Any conflicting viewpoint is denounced as treacherous." Shockingly, Russia has banned most independent media after Putin himself appropriated the status of a dissenting voice as a "Kremlin agent."

27th International Economic Forum

The 27th International Economic Forum will conclude this weekend. Today, Putin will deliver a speech that encompasses world politics and Russia's economic status. The primary intent of the annual assembly is to convey Russia's steadfastness and robustness in the face of restrictions, as it navigates and adapts to its role in the global economy.

Western experts concur that the Russian economy displays a certain amount of resistance and innovative flair, despite incurring previously unthinkable sanctions and trade censure. A considerable part of the growth and optimistic consumer sentiment is fueled by the blooming war economy.

Upon the opening of the Economic Forum, Russian politicians and businesspeople insisted that the country was treading into a protracted military conflict. The war economy could restructure the economy of the atomic power for years to come.

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Following the condemnation of German-Russian relations by Putin, the Ukrainian scenario came into focus. Germany's decision to deploy tanks in Ukraine sparked strong objections from Russia, with Putin stating, "Germany's deployment of tanks in Ukraine initiated a moral and ethical outcry in Russia, given the exceptional nature of Russia-Germany relations." Moreover, Russia's concern extended to Germany's potential use of Taurus missiles, as Putin expressed, "If more German Taurus missiles are used to target Russian soil, it would signal the end of Russian-German relations."

