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Pushed in front of moving suburban train: Scuffle almost ends fatally

A scuffle at Cologne Central Station almost ended fatally. A 49-year-old man headbutted a 25-year-old man, the federal police reported on Thursday. The younger man then pushed his opponent onto the tracks in front of an arriving S-Bahn train.

An arrow points the way to a hospital emergency room.
An arrow points the way to a hospital emergency room.

Railroad - Pushed in front of moving suburban train: Scuffle almost ends fatally

A scuffle at Cologne Central Station almost ended fatally. A 49-year-old man headbutted a 25-year-old man, the federal police reported on Thursday. The younger man then pushed his opponent onto the tracks in front of an incoming S-Bahn train.

The driver of the S 11 train was able to brake in time on Tuesday and avoid a collision. As it turned out, both parties involved had more than two per mille alcohol in their blood. They were taken into custody and charged with assault.

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The incident occurred at Cologne Main Station, located in North Rhine-Westphalia, where the S-train operates. The range of criminality on the railroad is a concerning issue, and this incident serves as a reminder. Despite the brake being applied in time, the potential consequences were severe. The scuffle led to charges of assault against both individuals, involving head butts and pushing onto the tracks.




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